Horse is going trot.

Just stole a few minutest to post an update on the horse design. This build resulted in a slight change in pasterns and hind legs (not implemented yet), in general leg joints still need some fine tuning, also neck-shoulders joint still need some work. Head-neck joint work well now and is fully adjustable. Hopefully next prototype will be the last before texturing.


 130506_kon3      130506_kon2


2 thoughts on “Horse is going trot.

    • Unfortunately not yet. Since it is a very small model it involves a lot of test building after every small change in CAD design (a 1mm makes quite serious difference sometimes). I make changes during test build, adjust CAD drawings run another test and so on. Such workflow require a lot of time at once. Much more than I can spend on it lately due to many external factors (it may take me a couple months to sort all out). That is why I focused for now on simpler models that I can work on in parts about 0,5-1hour at a time, and put the horse on hold. Thank you very much for this comment however. Knowing there is an interest in this model I will get back to it as soon as circumstances will allow me.

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